The wonderful story from De Brabantse Aap

New evidence has recently surfaced that sheds some light on one of Amsterdam's most colorful legends: that of De Brabantse Aap.

Around 1900 there was an organ grinder from Brabant on the Spui, known as Brabant Jos. Jos had a little monkey that always danced merrily to the music of the organ. Wearing a cap, the little animal went around collecting coins from passersby. It was a cheerful sight, and soon Jos and his little monkey were a household name in town.

There are several stories about where that monkey came from. One version says it was actually a spectacled monkey from Zambia, taken by a missionary from Brabant. When the missionary got tired of the monkey, he gave it away to Jos. That led to the expression "Den aap aan den orgeldraaier geven"-for giving something as a gift that one would like to get rid of. But other stories also circulate. According to some, "Brabant Monkey" referred to a remedy that Peel farmers used to get "apestoned" from.

It was also whispered that the Brabant Monkey was actually not a monkey at all. A 'Brabant Aap' was what we in the villages called a man who during carnival did not take marital fidelity very seriously; they wore monkey masks to hide their identity. Fortunately, there were no dna tests in those days...Anyway, one day Jos disappeared without a trace, without any explanation. The little monkey was left behind and took matters into its own hands. Where previously it danced merrily, it now began to get into mischief. The creature climbed on roofs and threw chestnuts, rotten fruit and, reportedly, even horse droppings at the unsuspecting people below. The neighborhood was not happy and tried to catch the monkey, but that proved an impossible task. For two years it managed to plague the neighborhood, sitting proudly on the rooftops as if it ruled the city.

After two years, just as suddenly as Jos, the monkey also disappeared. Some say a circus took it away, others think it went looking for its old owner. But the story does not end here. It is said that the monkey's spirit still roams Amsterdam.

Some believe his playful energy has returned to the cafe that bears his name, and that visitors who pay close attention can sense the animal's spirit.

At De Brabantse Aap, people come together and enjoy a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere. Whether you come for a good glass of beer or a tasty meal. The lively history of the pub invites you to share stories and enjoy this special place. Who knows, you might even feel the playful spirit of De Brabantse Aap next door.